విక్రమ సింహాపురి విశ్వవిద్యాలయం
(Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade CGPA 3.23)

Dr. Ch Venkatrayulu
M.Sc., PGD. FSA., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Member in Aquaculture Foundation of India (AFI), Life Member in National Environmental Science Academy, Member In Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Member in European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB) ; Life Member in Ethological Society of India (ESI)
Dept of. Marine Biology

My research interests in the filed of Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture Probiotics, Bioremediation, Crustacean Immunology, Shrimp farming and Marine Pollution & Aquatic toxicology.

Areas of Interest:

Research Areas of Interest:

Marine Biotechnology & Coastal Aquaculture

Marine Pollution & Toxicology

Bioremediation (Aquaculture Probiotics)

Fish Pathology & Immunology

Fish & Shrimp farming

Sea Food Processing Technology

Ornamental Fish Breeding & Farming

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bbullet Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Contact :
Dr. Ch Venkatrayulu
Associate Professor
Marine Biology
University Campus, Nellore
Department of Marine Biology University College of Science & Technology VIKRAMA SIMHAPURI UNIVERSITY Kakuturu, NELLORE -524 320 ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA
Official Email: cvr.marinebio@vsu.ac.in
Alternate Email: aqua.venkat@gmail.Com