The University maintains its research facility with well-defined research policies. The details of research facilities are uploaded on the University website and research policies are being implemented by adopting the following measures:
Facilities for Research: The University has infrastructure and instrumentation facilities such as Central instrumentation, Computer facility and University Library in order to promote research among the students, research scholars and faculty.
Central instrumentation facility: This facility is established in the year 2015 and facilitates the faculty, research scholars and students to carry out research activities. The facilities such as PCR, Gel documentation, -80° C Deep Freezer, Fluorescent Microscope, Photo Bioreactor, Nano-Drop and Spectrophotometer are available in this center. This facility is regularly upgraded through the financial resources from extramural research grants, DST-FIST sponsored to Department of Biotechnology and other university grants.Bioinformatics Lab facility is established in the year 2015 and as a wing of DST-FIST facility to augment the research activities related to drug designing ecosystem.
Computer Center facility: This facility is established in 2022 to facilitate the faculty, research scholars and students to browse and collect research data.
Research Tools: It acts as a reservoir of knowledge with digital and physical resources. Periodically updated e-journals and e-books, anti-plagiarism software Urkund, Grammarly, EndNote, Shodhganga and digital resources facilitate rise in quality research and help in thesis writing.
Green house/shade net and Herbal Garden: This facility is established in the year 2018 and since then provides research skills among the students and research scholars in plant tissue culture activities. Herbal garden comprises of unique medicinal plants and supports the research activities.
Centre for organic farming: This Centre acts as a platform to support research and community development programs. It includes vermicomposting facility, solid waste management and kitchen garden.
Natural pond and aquaculture: This facility is one of the distinguished research facilities of the University. This facility provides an ecosystem to carry out research in the area of aquaculture, community development to train unemployed youth and entrepreneurship activities and encompasses participation of departments such as Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Business Management and Social Work.
University Research Policy: To promote Cutting Edge Research activities, to support Basic to Applied Research and to be Patent-Centric, VSU has a well-defined “Research Promotion Policy”.
Faculty Research Grants Scheme (FRGS) to support faculty towards quality research
To establish industrial collaborations, interdisciplinary research, inter and intra collaborative activities along with student exchange Programmes
To organize research driven seminars, conferences, workshops and webinars with financial support
To disseminate innovative ideas on a common platform, “Research Forum”
Encourage faculty to mobilize funding via Government funding agencies such as DBT, DST, BRNS, NMPB, ICSSR, and CSIR through submission of research proposals
Training/orientation programmes have been organized to P.G. Students qualify in the National level examinations like CSIR-JRF, INSPIRE-JRF, UGC-JRF, MANF, NFSC/ST, ICMR-JRF, ICAR-JRF.