Dr. M. Ussenaiah Ph.D.
Dean CDC
About College Development Council:
Vikrama Simhapuri University established the College Development Council in the year 2012 for effective planning and coordinating to the development of the colleges. The main function of the College development Council is to bridge the gap among the UGC, AICTE, NCTE, the university, college and state higher education department. In getting developmental grants to the Colleges from UGC, College development Council acts as liaison between the UGC and the affiliated colleges. College development Council plays vital role for the improvement of the standards of learning, teaching and other activities of the colleges. It also helps in the allround development of the college, subject to the commitment of the management in abiding to the rules and regulations from time to time.
To act as a statutory mandate for providing guidance and fostering better coordination between the university and the Affiliated Colleges on the matters of development and academic governance.
To provide and impart academic information to its affiliated colleges, in addition with sharing information about the UGC schemes/ grant-in-aid to the affiliated colleges.
The College Development Council (CDC) acts as an academic guide in the planning and integrated development of Colleges.
In accordance with the University Grants Commission and Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education guidelines and with the consent of the University it initiates such measures and programmes as it deem fit for the proper planning of the infrastructure and enhancement of the academic standards of the colleges.
To have an interface between the affiliated colleges and the University.
To take pro-active initiations to improve the quality education in college level.
To have an integrated development of affiliated colleges in the University in abiding to the rules and regulations from time to time.
Accords permissions/affiliations of the University jurisdiction colleges in accordance with the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.
Assist the colleges to prepare the proposal and forward of proposal to UGC for inclusion of colleges under 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC Act 1956, grant of autonomous status etc.
Co-ordinate between the College and the UGC, the AICTE, the PCI, the NCTE, the BCI, the APSCHE, the University to sustain the academic, administrative, online and infrastructural facilities, identify the needs and gaps and to help colleges to realize their potentialities.
Bring colleges closer to University faculties and to promote beneficial linkages for greater academic interaction and cooperation.
Encourage college teachers to avail Faculty Development Programme of UGC for Ph.D and post-doctoral studies, travel grant to present papers abroad in International conference/seminars etc and to apply for minor and major research projects of UGC and other funding agencies.
All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE): The University has created AISHE Cell to manage and maintain all the information of all affiliated colleges and P.G. Departments of this university and transfer the same as per requirements of UGC, MHRD, etc.
Encourage colleges to adopt inclusive policies in admission, engage in quality teaching and research.
Maintain a data base of each college as well as of teachers of the colleges affiliated to the university.
To encourage, extend expertise advice and assistance to colleges for NAAC accreditation and reaccreditation.
Aid the University with regard to rationalization and implementation of the affiliation policy of the University.
Permission for Establishment of a new Degree College.
Permission for enhancement of seats in existing U.G. courses.
Approval for starting additional new courses in the existing under-graduate colleges.
Approval for Change of Society (Management) or change of internal members in the existing society.
Acceptance for change of college name, shifting of a Degree College from one building to new premise, and inter-conversion of the Colleges (From Women to Co-Education or vice-versa).
Issue of No dues and clearance to Nominal Rolls…