VSU College , Nellore
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Ande Prasad | Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Tech.(CST), Ph.D. (A.U.) | +91 98859 34309 | prasadjkc@yahoo.co.in |
2 | Dr.Maligela Ussenaiah | Associate Professor | MCA.,Ph.D., | 9492330230 | ussenaiah.maligela@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.G.Vijaya Lakshmi | Assistant Professor | B.Tech (C.S.E), M.Tech(S.E), Ph.D(C.S.E) | - | vijaya_suma17@yahoo.co.in |
PHYSICS | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Akepati Sivasankar Reddy | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. (Physics),PDF (BK-21 South Korea, FCT-Portugal, GHET Research center-South Korea) | 8686969123 | akepati77@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.N.O. Gopal | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. | 7893691631 | gopalneeruganti@gmail.com, nogopal@yahoo.Com |
3 | Dr.K Bhagyasree | Guest Faculty | Ph.D. | +91 7013430875 | k.bs1107@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.R Subba Reddy | Guest Faculty | Ph.D. | +91 9398811562 | sbbreddy82@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.B Prabhakara Rao | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A. B.Ed., UGC-NET., AP SET., Ph.D., PDF., | +91 9676343540 | |
2 | Dr.V. Govindu | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A.(Pol.Sce.)., M.A.(Pub-Admn.)., M.Phil., Ph.D., AP-SET., | 9618141877 | dr.govind77@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.G Sunil Kumar | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A., Ph.D. | 9912016135 | |
4 | Dr.M. Obulapathi | Guest Faculty | M.A., Ph.D., | 8074278238 | |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Kanumuri Suneetha | Associate Professor | MSW,MA, PhD, UGC- NET in Social Work - PhD & Master of Social Work at S.P.M.V.V., Tirupati -Master of Arts ( population studies) -P.G. Dip in Counselling and Guidance, P G Dip IRPM and PG Dip in Ageing. | 9866191308 | suneethak.vsu@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Madhumathi Reddim | Assistant Professor | M.S.W(Medical & Psychiatric social Work), Ph.D. in Social Work,M.Sc(Psychology), M.Ed.(Special Education)(MR)B.Ed.Special Education(MR), Diploma in Mental Retardation(DMR), UGC-Swayam - Gerontological Social Work | 7893995164 , 8074632013 | reddim.madhumathi@Gmail.Com |
3 | Dr.B. Venkata Subba Reddy | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | Ph.D. | +91 9885996877 | bvsrvsu@gmail.com |
TELUGU | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.C Rajaram | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A (TELUGU), M.A (LINGUISTICS), MA (JMC), M.Phil., Ph.D., NET, SET., | 9885220546 | |
2 | Dr.T Vimala | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A. Ph.D. | 9848335323 | |
3 | Dr.K Lakshmi Naraya Reddy | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A. Ph.D., APSET., UGC-NET., | 9959710078 | |
4 | Dr.V Venkateswarlu | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A. Ph.D. | 996314500 | |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.K V S N JAWAHAR BABU | Professor | M. Sc (Tech) M.B.A M. Tech Ph.D | 9440494141 | jawaharvsu@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.M. Thyagaraju | Assistant Professor | MBA; M.Com, MBA (Travel & Tourism Mngt) LL.M; Ph.D. | 9490034320 | mythyagi@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Kota Neela Mani Kanta | Assistant Professor | BE, MBA, FDP (IIM-I), Ph D | 9848071295 | kotamani2003@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.Sujatha PALLETI | Assistant Professor | MBA, Ph.D | 09494300094 | drsujatha.palleti@gmail.com |
5 | Mr.M Vikram Kumar | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | MBA, UGC NET, APSET | +91 9985990637 | vikramvsu@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.G. Vijaya Ananda Kumar Babu | Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. (SKU), PDF (UMT-France, CDC-USA, CSU-USA) | +91 9701661371 | gundi.vijay@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Chadipiralla Kiranmai | Assistant Professor | MSc. Ph.D. (PDF in University of Miami, RA in Nova Southeastren University, USA) | +919701943986/ +919494394522 | cdpkiranmai@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Uday Sankar Allam | Assistant Professor | B.Sc. (Ag) (ANGRAU, Hyderabad)M.Sc. (IARI, New Delhi) Ph.D.(IISc, Bangalore) | +91 8187814140 | vsuusareddy@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.G Mary Sandeepa | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D. | +91 8328411289 | deepavsu2013@gmail.com |
5 | Dr.KVL Shrikanya Rao | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D | +91 9248559408 | shrikanya.rao@gmail.com |
6 | Dr.S.B. Sainath | Assistant Professor | Ph.D. , RA (DST, New Delhi), Foundation of Science & Technology-Post Doctoral Fellow, CIIMAR, Portugal | +91 9989353455 | drsbsnathbio@gmail.com |
7 | Dr.Vidya Prabhakar Kodali | Assistant Professor | M. Tech (JNTU-HYD), Ph. D (IIT-KGP), PDF (France) | +91 9948745927 | Kodalividyaprabhakar@Gmail.Com |
8 | Dr.G. Vidya Sagar Reddy | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc., Ph.D., | +91 9666216141 | sagargvsr@gmail.com |
9 | Dr.Vimjam Swarupa | Guest Faculty | Ph. D, SET Qualified, (SRF in ICMR-New Delhi) | +91 8500197254 | rupadbt@gmail.com |
10 | Dr.Golla Prathima | Guest Faculty | M.Sc B.Ed. Ph.D., | +91 8008314159 | prathimagolla@gmail.com |
11 | Dr.P Supraja | Guest Faculty | Ph.D., | +91 9440094011 | supraja.nani108@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.R V S S Nagabhushana Rao | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | MSc,MBA,Ph.D., | +919700017463 | drsankaramt@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Cheerla Prasuna | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | MSc, Ph.D., | +919441568441 | prasuna1214@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Shaik Ahammad Basha | Guest Faculty | MSc,Ph.D., | +919985541610 | ahammadbasha@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.Aakasam Srinivasulu | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., M.Phil., M.B.A., Ph.D. | +91 9985363010 | drsrinivasulu81@gmail.com |
5 | Mr.B Venkata Seshaiah | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., AP Set | 8500770358 | bandi.b.v.s@gmail.com |
6 | Mr.B Sudhakar | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., AP Set | +91 9949186244 | sudhasun993@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Jalli Nagaraju | Guest Faculty | M.Tech, Ph.D | +91 7842265980 | jalli.cryogenics@gmail.com |
2 | Ms.S Parveen begum | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., M.Phil., UGC Net, | +91 7013858506 | parveenfoodtech@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Mediboina Bhavana | Guest Faculty | Ph.D., | +91 72072 34003 | bhavanabio9@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.R Pavani | Guest Faculty | B.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D. | +91 89771 99228 | pavani.pearl1991@gmail.com |
5 | Dr.Sarada Embeti | Guest Faculty | MSc, M.E.d, PhD., | +91 9182771690 | embetisarada@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Arthala Praveen Kumar | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., Ph.D. | 9052306598 | |
2 | Dr.Vundru Anil Kumar | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., Ph.D. | 9494659368 | |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Amari Praveen Kumar | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.P.Ed, PhD., | +91 8985053038 | praveenkumar.amari@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Attirala Ramaiah | Guest Faculty | BPEd., MPEd., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET. | +91 7904994268 | attiralaramaiah@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.Suja S Nair | Professor | MBA , PhD. | +91 9704521671 | Sujavsu@Yahoo.in |
2 | Dr.Jadda Vijetha | Assistant Professor | MBA, UGC-NET, PhD, FDP (IIMI) | 9949999110 | vijethavsu@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.P Chenchu Reddy | Assistant Professor | MBA., PGDCA., Ph.D | 9059082462 | drpcreddy@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.G.Sai Sravanthi | Assistant Professor | M.B.A, UGC-NET JRF,SET-AP&TS,Ph.D | 9652296374 | gounisravanthirammohan@gmail.com |
5 | Ms.Gayatri Anupama | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.B.A., Ph.D. | ||
6 | Dr.P Sri Valli | Guest Faculty | MBA, NET, Ph.D., | +91 9885292244 | kotasrivalli87@gmail.com |
7 | Dr.Lekkala Aruna | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., MBA, PhD., | +91 9940144445 | aruna.lekk@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Thummaluru Veera Reddy | Professor | MSc, Ph.D,. | +91 8121732140 | veerareddy.thummaluru@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.P Thriveni | Associate Professor | Ph.D. | 9110581934 | ptriveni1@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Yarramuthi Vijaya | Associate Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | 9666241480 | drvijayachem@gmail.com |
4 | Mr.Nandigama Pundaree | Guest Faculty | CSIR-UGC NET | +9177428659 | nandigamapundareechem@gmail.com |
5 | Dr.V Krishna Reddy | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. | +91 7981446685 | vkreddysvu@gmail.com |
6 | Ms.Kothapalli Sailekhya | Guest Faculty | +919100669444 | sailekhyavenkat@gmail.com | |
COMMERCE | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.C. Yellaiah | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Com, Ph.D MBA(HRM& Fin.) | 8309422280 | |
2 | Dr.P.B. Sucharitha | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Com, Ph.D, APSET, PGDBFM | 9052071305 | |
3 | Dr.N. Guravaiah | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Com,MBA, B.Ed, Ph.D | 8309704043 | |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Madhumathi Reddim | Assistant Professor | MSW,MEd, MSc(Psy), Ph.D. | 7893995164 | reddim.madhumathi@gmail.com |
2 | Mrs.SANDHYA POLURU | Guest Faculty | MSC(physics),M.Ed, APCET | 9618184584 | SANDHYAPOLURU@GMAIL.COM |
3 | Mrs.SIVAPARVATHI MUVVA | Guest Faculty | MA, MSc, MEd, APCET | 9390192825 | SAYIMPUSP@GMAIL.COM |
ENGLISH | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Razole Prabhakar | Associate Professor | M.A., B. Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D. | 6305168818 | prabhakarjoli@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Syam Sundar Bhagavan Bodavula | Assistant Professor | M.A.,N.E.T., Ph.D | +91 8919870890 | syam.bagavan@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.B Samuel Mark | Guest Faculty | M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D. | ||
4 | Mrs.V. Bhagya Jyotsna | Guest Faculty | MA Eng., APSET | ||
5 | Mr.T. Paul Armstrong | Guest Faculty | 8501936737 | ||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.Ch. Vijaya | Professor | MSc, MPhil, Ph.D. | 0861-2352366-77 | vijayalch@gmail.Com |
2 | Dr.Ch Venkatrayulu | Associate Professor | M.Sc., PGD. FSA., Ph.D. | 9963255325 | aqua.venkat@gmail.Com |
3 | Dr.M Hanuma Reddy | Associate Professor | M.Sc Ph.D. | 9441599597 | mhreddyvsu@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.Muthyam Sowjanya | Guest Faculty | M.Sc,Ph.D | ||
5 | Dr.Gandham Swapna | Guest Faculty | M.Sc, PhD., | +91 8309463460 | drswapnagandham@gmail.com |
6 | Dr.Chintha Venkataramaiah | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., | +91 7330820897 | chintharamana9@gmail.com |
7 | Dr.K KHALINDAR BASHA | Guest Faculty | MS.c BE.d.PhD, | +91 7658944327 | khalandarbashakkb@gmail.com |
VSU College , Kavali
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Marri Rani | Guest Faculty | MCA,M.Phil,M.TECH,APSET, Ph.D | 9010793590 | ranimarri@gmail.com |
2 | Mrs.T Manjula | Guest Faculty | ME, M.Phil(CS) | 8985476105 | komamanjula@gmail.com |
3 | Mr.Sudeep Samuelson Ezra B | Guest Faculty | M.Tech | 9160696168 | sudeep.byravarapu@gmail.com |
4 | Mrs.A avanthi | Guest Faculty | M.Tech | 9700105630 | avanthiala@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.B. Venkateswarlu | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc., AP SET, Ph.D | 09440397474 | drbvvsuck@gmail.com |
2 | Ms.K.Lalitha Jyothi | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., M.Phil | 9494684408 | |
3 | Dr.V.Bharath Kumar | Guest Faculty | MSc., B.Ed, Ph.D | 7658993588 | |
4 | Mr.P.V.Prasada Rao | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., M.Phil | 7013534509 | |
ZOOLOGY | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.Sailaja Vemuluri | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., PhD., B.Ed., | 7382701979 | sailajajb@yahoo.com |
2 | Dr.Gopi Krishna Pitchika | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., PhD., UoH-DBT Post-Doctoral Fellow | +918886155075 | pitchika.gopikrishna@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Suseela Meesala | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., PhD., | 9849225711 | drsuseelameesala@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.Pamanji Sudhakar Reddy | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc. Ph.D. | 7981179229 | |
BOTANY | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.S. Kameswaran | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc., Ph.D., (Young Scientist) | 8885886665 | |
2 | Dr.B. Swapna | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | 9000225829 | |
3 | Mr.M. Ramakrishna | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Sc., APSET | 9989206995 | |
4 | Dr.P. Uma Maheswari | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., Ph.D. | 9581483999 | |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Dr.P. Siva Ramakrisna | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.com , MBA, Ph.D, AP-SET, UGC NET | 9949153959 | siva.phd9@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.B. Geetha Devi | Guest Faculty | MBA( Tourism), Ph.D | 6301017292 | geethasriboga@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.B. Swapna | Guest Faculty | MBA(Tourism) , Ph.D. | 9703002898 | swapnasetty17@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.M. Hemalatha | Guest Faculty | MBA,(Tourism), Ph.D | 9494346052 | dr.mandahemalatha@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.Thummaluru Veera Reddy | Professor | M.Sc,Ph.D | +91 8121732140 | veerareddy.thummaluru@gmail.com |
COMMERCE | |||||
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.Chilumuri Srinivasa Rao | Professor | M.Com.,UGC-NET., MBA.,Ph.D. DCA | 9440247274 | profcsraovsu@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.Koneru Ekambaram | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Com., M.B.A., Ph.D., PGDCP | 9666213525 | drkoneru..7@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.Gummalla Venkatachalam | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.Com., M.B.A., Ph.D., PGDCA. | 9966993929 | gvchalam1@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.Nuthalapati Udaykiran | Guest Faculty | M.Com., SLET, Ph.D. | 8500989066 | uday42703@gmail.com |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification(NET/SLET/PH.D) | Contact No | |
1 | Prof.N.R.V. Ramana Reddy | Professor | M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. | 9848167366 | nrvramanareddyvsu@gmail.com |
2 | Dr.P. Srinivas | Assistant Professor | M.A., Ph.D., PGDCE | +91 9440586837 | drpsrinivasvsu@gmail.com |
3 | Dr.B. Ramesh Kumar | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A.,M.Phil., PhD | 9030766150 | jframesh@gmail.com |
4 | Dr.G Sivaiah | Assistant Professor (On Contract) | M.A., M.Phil., PhD | +91 9963535890 | shivaskutml@gmail.com |