Department of Education : Established in the year 2013

VISION :  Education contributes positively to each person’s ability to reach their potential in acting for society’s good 

MISSION:The Department of Education is to prepare learner – sensitive educators with the knowledge , skills and dispositions to contribute to a better society.


•Extend as well as deepen the knowledge and understanding of Education.

•Develop research capacities leading to specialization in either Elementary Education or Secondary Education

•Prepare Teacher Educators as curriculum developers ,Educational policy analyst, Educational planners, Administrators, Supervisors and Researchers.

•Prepare Teacher Educators as school principals with specialization either in Elementary Education or in Secondary Education.

 Dr.R.Madhumathi, Assistant Professor is incharge head to the Department of Education .

Department  has three faculty members, one faculty member is in contract basis and two are coming as guest faculty. Out of three faculty members, one faculty member possesses Ph. D degree and all the staff are qualified AP SLET exam by the year 2016.