Report on “NAAC Feedback and Awareness Programme” Organized by: Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, IQC, GoAP Coordinated by: IQAC, VSU, Nellore 04th June, 2020 (Online)

Addressing the changing paradigms of higher education, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education , IQAC, GoAP organized one session programme on “NAAC Feedback and Awareness Programme” to make the existing assessment and accreditation process more robust, objective, transparent, outcome oriented and stakeholder friendly.

In this context, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) coordinater Dr. C. Kiranmai coordinated this session on 4th June 2019 from 12:00pm to 2:30pm. In view of the need of mandatory accreditation for improving quality of Higher Education Institutions in the country, the main objective of this workshop was to create awareness on NAAC Accreditation Framework and Preparation of Self Study Report (SSR)

In all, 74 participants attended the workshop. These included Vice Chancellor, Rector, Registrar, Principals, Controller of Examinations, IQAC Coordinator, IQAC members, faculty members, Academic Consultants and Guest lecturers of Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore.

Inaugural Session

Dr. Chadipiralla Kiranmai, Coordinator, IQAC welcomed all the guests and participants. The session was addressed by Prof. R.Sudarsana Rao, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Vikrama Simhapuri University. The session was graced by Prof. K. Rama Mohana Rao, Vice Chairman of APSCHE, IQC, GoAP and Dr. Srirangam Mathew, Academic Officer of APSCHE.

Prof. Rama Mohano Rao made a detailed presentation during his association with NAAC, the methodology of assessment has changed for better and briefed the participants about the objective and rationale of the workshop. He informed that the Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC has necessitated documentation of the details on all aspects related to Curriculum, Teaching-Learning, Student Support, Research, Infrastructure, Governance and Best Practices etc. He further expressed a hope that more Universities would come forward for assessment and accreditation as an immediate outcome of this workshop.

Dr. Srirangam Mathew said that during NAAC accreditation, he will guide the University in SSR preparation. The inaugural session concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Suja S Nair.

Prof. Rama Mohan Rao, The Vice Chairman of APSCHE, IQAC