A BRIEF REPORT OF WEBINAR ON “NAAC ASSESSMENT AND ACRREDITARION PROCESS” Organized by IQAC, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, A.P. In Association with NAAC, Bengaluru on 21st July at 11:00AM

With the generous encouragement and support from the NAAC, Bengaluru, a webinar on “NAAC Assessment and Accreditation Process” was organized by IQAC, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, A.P., on 21st July 2020. Around 160 participants comprising Principals, IQAC Coordinators, faculty and other staff of Vikrama Simhapuri University and its affiliated colleges participated in the webinar. The event started with a welcome address by Dr. C. Kiranmai, Coordinator, IQAC, Vikrama Simhapuri University. She extended a warm welcome to all the participants and Resource Persons of the Webinar Dr. M.S. Syamasunder, Advisor, NAAC; Dr. Pratibha Singh, Dy. Adviser, NAAC; Dr. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, Assistant Adviser, NAAC; Dr. A.V. Prasad, Assistant Adviser, NAAC and Dr. D. Kamble, Assistant Adviser, NAAC. The Inaugural Address was given by Honourable Vice Chancellor Prof. R. Sudarsana Rao. In his speech, Prof. R. Sudarsana Rao called for a focused attention at various criteria that have been prescribed by the NAAC which are highly objective, holistic and comprehensive and insisted on turning the focus on satisfying these objectives at the earliest possible so that the quality of education in the university could reach to the next level and match with the best of the institutes within India and across the globe. In order to achieve this goal, Prof. R. Sudarsana Rao appealed the teaching, and non-teaching fraternity along with other important stakeholders of the university to come together on one platform and motivate themselves to work even harder in order to accomplish the broader goal of getting best grades from the NAAC. The Vice- Chancellor called upon the Managements of affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of VSU to go for NAAC accreditation.

propagating the knowledge through this webinar. Finally he concluded that language should not be a barrier to get accreditation in NAAC.

His address was followed by the introduction of Dr. Pratibha Singh, Deputy Adviser, NAAC by Dr. G. Vijaya Lakshmi to the participants. Dr. Pratibha Singh gave an overview of the “Introduction to A & A of NAAC, Registration process and Submission of IIQA”. She has given a brief presentation of NAAC Process, Quality Improvement frame work (QIF), IIQA submission. She explained the importance of core values, vision and mission of NAAC. She also explained the seven criteria, along with the key Indicators involved in A & A process under each criterion.

Later Dr. Sagar introduced Dr. Vishnu Mahesh, Adviser, NAAC to the participants. Dr. Vishnu Mahesh in his presentation explained the process for preparation of Self Study Report (SSR). He highlighted various components involved in SSR and types of questions asked in SSR citing relevant examples. He further elaborated upon the importance of SOP, reading manuals and glossary for better understanding of the metrics.

Dr. C. Kiranmai, Coordinator, IQAC introduced Dr. A. V. Prasad Adviser, NAAC to the participants. Dr. A.V. Prasad, explained about Data Verification and Validation (DVV) process. For a better understanding of DVV process to the participants Dr. A. V. Prasad explained the key points in the regional language(Telugu).

Dr. Ussanaiah introduced Dr. D. K. Kamble, Assistant Adviser, NAAC. This was the last session of the Webinar was dealt by Dr. D. K. Kamble, in which he made a presentation on “Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)”. He gave a comprehensive overview on the process of SSS and guidelines for HEIs. He further enlightened about the stratified sampling and about the questionnaire. Additionally, he imparted information on logistics and Peer Team visit management.

Question Answer Session: Dr. Vishnu Mahesh, Adviser, NAAC responded to the questions and raised by the participants. Principals and IQAC coordinators from various affiliated colleges and faculty from VS University discussed and got clarifications on various queries.

The webinar was concluded with vote of thanks by Prof. Suja S Nair, Pricipal in-charge of VS University College, Nellore. She expressed her special gratitude to NAAC team for their constant encouragement in conducting the webinar. She extended thanks to the organizers and all the participants from VSU for making the webinar, a grand success.

Glimpses of Webinar

cWebinar Link for Registrarion: tpP_dG8G1y2zayHpO29YjbiYzfkTq3CUFX7sDXQNc

Free Registration.
Meeting login details were sent to registered participants email a day in advance E Certificate was given to all registered and participated candidates.

A WEBINAR ON “NAAC ASSESSMENT AND ACRREDITARION PROCESS” Organized by IQAC, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, A.P., in Association with NAAC, Bengaluru on 21st July at 11:00AM

Program Schedule
Venue: online
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Time slot Topic Resource Person
11:00 AM Welcoming the Guests Dr. C. Kiranmai, Coordinator, IQAC, VSU
11:10 AM Inaugural Address Prof. R. Sudarsana Rao garu, Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, VSU
11:25 AM Opening Remarks Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar Adviser, NAAC
11:40 AM Introduction to A & A of NAAC, Registration process and Submission of IIQA Dr. Pratibha Singh, Deputy Adviser, NAAC
12:00 NOON SSR Submission Dr. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, Assistant Adviser, NAAC
12:20 PM DVV Process Dr. A. V. Prasad Assistant Adviser, NAAC
12:40 PM Student Satisfaction Survey, Logistics & Peer Team Visit Dr. D. K. Kamble, Assistant Adviser, NAAC
12:55 PM Vote of thanks Prof. Suja S Nair, Principal, VSU College

Login google meet link for registered candidates:

Screenshots from Webinar

Opening Remarks by Dr. M. S. Syamasundar, Adviser, NAAC, Bangalore

Dr. Pratibha Singh, Deputy Adviser, NAAC, Bangalore

Participants Attended in Webinar

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