విక్రమ సింహాపురి విశ్వవిద్యాలయం
(Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade CGPA 3.23)

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Dr. P. Srinivas
M.A., Ph.D., PGDCE
Indian Economic Association, AP Economic Association
Dept of. Economics

Dr.P.Srinivas has completed his Ph.D. in Economics from Acharya Nagarjuna University in 2006. He has 17 years of teaching, research and administrative experience. He has worked in various positions in several institutions viz. Head, Department of Economics VSUPG Centre, Kavali; Research Associate, Vijnana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad; Project Officer for SGSY Skill Development Projects (now renamed as DDUGKY), National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad; Research Associate, Indian Institute of Economics(IIE), Hyderabad; Project Fellow for UGC Major Research Project, Department of Economics, Acharya Nagarjuna Univeristy, Guntur. He has a joined as Assistant Professor in Department of Economics, VSU PG Centre in April 2013.

Dr.P.Srinivas has published 18 research articles in referred journals of National and International repute and published 11 research articles in Editorial Books. He has participated and presented 27 research papers in National and International Seminars and Conferences.  He has completed Two Ph.D.s under his guidance and presently three students are pursuing Ph.D. One Major Research Project funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi is going on. His areas of specialization include Public Economics, Financial Institutions and Markets & Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The areas of research interest are Wage Employment Programmes, Microfinance and Self Help Groups, Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Training Programmes.


Areas of Interest:

Teaching: Macro Economics, Public Finance,  Financial Instituions and Markets, Entrepreneurship and Skill Development 

Research:  Rual wage Employment Programmes, Microfinance and Skill Development Training programmes

bbullet  Educational Background
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bbullet Research
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bbullet Events Participated/Organized

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bbullet Adminstrative Positions Held
bbullet Project/Research Guidance
Contact :
Dr. P. Srinivas

Post Graduate Center, Kavali

Official Email: drpsrinivas@vsu.ac.in
Alternate Email: drpsrinivasvsu@gmail.com
HOD Email: drpsrinivas@vsu.ac.in