Educational Background
Academic Qualifications
B. Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osmania University with I - 2000
M. Tech in Biotechnology, J.N.T U, Hyderabad with 1 - 2003
Ph.D in Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur - 2009
Advanced PG Diploma in Bioinformaics, Hyderabad Central University with 8.00 CGPA - 2005
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Associate Professor, Vignan's Foundation For Science and Technology , Deemed to Be University (18-10-2010 - 2014-01-04) |
2. |
Lecturer, JBREC (2003-06-02 - 2004-05-01) |
1. |
Assistant Professor, VSU (2014 - Till Date) |
Research Projects
Antagonistic activity of Pongamiapinnata against quorum signal molecule produced by a marine bacterium, funded by National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), New Delhi - 37.2 LAKHS (sanctioned in 2017 duration of 3 years)
Purification and Characterization Laccase enzyme produced by a Marine Bacterium, funded by SERB, New Delhi - 11 Lakhs (2016 - 2018)
Biochemical characterization of Bioactive Molecules Produced by a Marine Bacterium, funded by DBT, New Delhi - 36.70 Lakhs (2015 - 2018)
Purification and Characterization of Lactase Produced by a Bacterium Isolated from a Dairy Effluent, funded by SERB, New Delhi - 24.55 Lakhs (2016 - 2021)
1 .
Dr. K. vidya Prabhakar and Dr. S.B. Sainath, Basic techniques in Biochemistry and Nanotechnology (A practical book for UG and PG students), Isara, 978-1-329-08562-6, 2016
International Journals |
1 . |
Abraham P. Karlapudi & Vidya P. Kodali , A blue enzyme from marine bacterium for green technological applications, Natural Product Research, ISBN No.1478-6419 (IMPACT FACTOR-2.86), Taylor and Francis, 2021 View
2 . |
Ravi Teja; Abraham P. Karlapudi; V Neeraja; K Mamatha; John Babu; T.C Venkateswarulu; Vidya Prabhakar Kodali. , Ravi Teja; Abraham P. Karlapudi; V Neeraja; K Mamatha; John Babu; T.C Venkateswarulu; Vidya Prabhakar Kodali. (2021) Antioxidant potential and optimization of production of extracellular polysaccharide by Acinetobacter indicus M6. Journal of Genetic engineering and Biotechnology. 19:39, 2021 View
3 . |
John Babu D. a,? , Sumalatha B. b , Venkata Narayana A. a , Venkateswrulu T.C. Vidya Prabhakar K. c , Abraham Peele K., Green treatment of chromium contaminated water using Spongomorpha indica, Regional Studies in Marine Science , 2021 View
4 . |
Indira Mikkili1 , Abraham Peele Karlapudi1 , T. C. Venkateswarulu1 , Vidya Prabhakar Kodali2 , Deepika Sri Singh Macamdas1 and Krupanidhi Sreerama, Potential of artificial intelligence to accelerate diagnosis and drug discovery for COVID-19, Peer J, 2021 View
5 . |
TC Venkateswarulu, K Abraham Peele, S Krupanidhi, K Prakash Narayana Reddy, M Indira, A Ranga Rao, R Bharath Kumar, K Vidya Prabhakar. , Biochemical and molecular characterization of lactase producing bacterium isolated from dairy effluent, Journal of King Saud University-Science.32:2: 1581-1585, Elsevier, 2020 View
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Abraham Peele Karlapudi, Venkateswarulu T.C.Krupanidhi SriramaRohini Krishna KotaIndira MikkiliVidya Prabhakar Kodali, Evaluation of anti-cancer, antimicrobial and anti-biofilm potential of biosurfactant extracted from an Acinetobacter M6 strain. Journal of King Saud University-Science 332:223-227, 2020 View
7 . |
M. Indira, T.C. Venkateswarulu, Vidya P. Kodali, K. Abraham Peele S. Krupanidhi , Characterization of bacteriocin ABCtransporter ATP-binding protein produed by a newly isolated Enterococcus strain. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8: 5, 2019 View
8 . |
M. Indira, T.C. Venkateswarulu, K. Chakravarthy , K. Vidya Prabhakar , “Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria from dairy effluent”. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 1560-1565, 2015 View
9 . |
JA. Pradeepkiran, S.B. Sainath, K.K. Kumar, L. Balasubramanyam, Vidya P. Kodali & Matcha Bhaskar , CGMD: An integrated database of cancer genes and markers. Nature Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep12035, 2015 View
10 . |
TC Venkateswarulu, KV Prabhakar, DJ Babu, RB Kumar, AR Reddy, Screening Studies on Isozyme Pattern in all leaves of Dura Variety of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) for Selection of Leaf Index. Research Journal of Pharm & Technol. 8 (1), 69-73, 2015 View
11 . |
Sai Sushma Dudala, T. C. Venkateswarulu, Sushma Chandulee Kancharla , Vidya Prabhakar Kodali and D. John Babu. , A review on importance of bioactive compounds of medicinal plants in treating idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (special emphasis on isoquinoline alkaloids). Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2021) 7:156 View
12 . |
M Indira, TC Venkateswarulu, K Abraham Peele, K Vidya Prabhakar, S Krupanidhi. , Characterization of bacteriocin producing probiotic properties of Enterococcus casseliflavus MI001 isolated from curd sample. (2019). Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. 13:1 - 64-71 View
13 . |
A Ranganadha Reddy, S Krupanidhi, TC Venkateswarulu, R Bharat Kumar, P Sudhakar, K Vidya Prabhakar. , Molecular Characterization of a Biopolymer Producing Bacterium Isolated from Sewage Sample (2019). Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. 13:3 325-335 View
14 . |
AR Reddy, KA Peele, S Krupanidhi, KV Prabhakar, TC Venkateswarulu., AR Reddy, KA Peele, S Krupanidhi, KV Prabhakar, TC Venkateswarulu. Production of polyhydroxybutyrate from Acinetobacter nosocomialis RR20 strain using modified mineral salt medium: a statistical approach. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. (2019) 16:10- 6447-6452 View
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AP Karlapudi, VC Ravi Teja, VP Kodali , A Novel alkaline laccase from marine bacterium. Official Journal of Patent Office. ISSUE NO.41/2018. 39250, Official Journal of Patent Office View
16 . |
APKarlapudi, TC Venkateswarulu, S Krupanidhi, D Vijaya Ramu, KBPratyusha, K Rohini Krishna, VPKodali. , Purification and Lignocellulolytic Potential of Cellulase from Newly Isolated Acinetobacter indicus KTCV2 Strain. Iranian Journal of Science andTechnology, Transactions A: Science. 2018. 3. 1-7 View
17 . |
APKarlapudi, TC Venkateswarulu, T Jahnavi, S Krupanidhi, K Lohit, VPKodali, In silico sgRNA tool designfor CRISPR control of quorum sensing in Acinetobacter species. Genes &Diseases. 2018. 5. 123-129 View
18 . |
KP Abraham, TC Venkateswarulu, T Jahnavi, K Lohit,R Bharath Kumar, D Vijaya ramu, VPKodali, Role of biosurfactants in bioremediation of oil pollution-a review. (2018) Petroleum. 4. 241-249 View
19 . |
Ranganadha Reddya, T.C. Venkateswarulu, P. Sudhakar, S. Krupanidhi, K.Vidya P Kodali. , Optimization of process parameters for Poly Hydroxy Butyrate Production from Isolated Acinetobacter nosocomialis RR20 through Submerged Fermentation. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. (2018). 12. 159-168 View
20 . |
M. Indira, T.C. Venkateswarulu, Vidya P. Kodali, K. Abraham Peele S. Krupanidhi, Isolation and characterization of bacteriocin producing Enterococcus casseliflavus and its antagonistic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2018). Karbala International Journal of Modern Science xx View
21 . |
TC Venkateswarlu, KV Prabhakar, R Bharath Kumar, SKrupanidhi, Optimization of Variables for Lactase Production from Isolated Bacillus subtilis strainVUVD001 Through Submerged Fermentation. (2017) Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy. 11.4 View
22 . |
TC Venkateswarulu, KV Prabhakar, RB Kumar, Optimization of nutritional components of medium by response surface methodology for enhanced production of lactase” (2017) 3 Biotech, 7 (3), 202 View
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TC Venkateswarulu, KV Prabhakar, RB Kumar, S Krupanidhi, Modeling and optimization of fermentation variables for enhanced production of lactase by isolated Bacillus subtilis strain VUVD001 using artificial neural networking and response surface methodology” (2017) 3 Biotech, 7 (3), 186 View
24 . |
AR Reddy, RB Kumar, KV Prabhakar. , Isolation and Identification of PolyHydroxyButyrate (PHB) producing bacteria from Sewage sample. (2017) Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 10 (4), 1065-1069 View
25 . |
DJ Babu, YP Kumar, P King, KV Prabhakar. , Optimization Study of Cadmium Biosorption on Sea Urchin Test: Application of Response Surface Methodology. (2017) Materials, Energy and Environment Engineering, 111-119, ISBN No.978-981-10-2675-1 View
26 . |
VP Kodali, AP Karlapudi, V Neeraja, SNS Bhashyam, Design of an economically feasible nutrient medium for microorganisms using banana waste. (2017) World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2017, 13 (1), 93-100 View
27 . |
AP Karlapudi, VP Kodali, KP Kota, SS Shaik, NSS Kumar, VR, Deciphering the effect of novel bacterial exopolysaccharide-based nanoparticle cream against Propionibacterium acnes (2016) 3 Biotech, 6 (1), 35 View
28 . |
KA Peele, VRT Ch, VP Kodali , Emulsifying activity of a biosurfactant produced by a marine bacterium (2016) 3Biotech, 6 (2), 177 View
29 . |
John Babu D., Vidya P Kodali, Indira, (2015). Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriocin Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Curd. International Journal of ChemTech research 8, 388-396 View
30 . |
KV Madhuri, KV Prabhakar , (2014). Recent trends in the characterization of microbial exopolysaccharides. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 30 (2), 895-904 View
31 . |
Maria Das K., Vidya P. Kodali, D.John Babu, B.Sumalatha, T.C.Venkateswarulu , (2014). Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies of Biosorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solutions using Azolla Filiculoidus. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 8 (4), 3107 View
32 . |
TC Venkateswarulu, CV Raviteja, KV Prabhakar, DJ Babu, AR Reddy , (2014). A Review on Methods of Transesterification of Oils and Fats in Bio-diesel Formation. International Journal of ChemTech Research 6 (4), 2568-2576. View
33 . |
Vidya P K, Indira Mikkili, Abraham P Karlapudi,, Venkateswarulu T.C., John Babu D, (2014). Isolation, Screening and Extraction of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing bacteria from Sewage sample. International Journal of PharmTech Research 6, 850-857 View
34 . |
T.C. Venkateswarulu, Kodali V. Prabhakar, D. John Babu, Rahul R. Nair, A, (2014). Studies on Electrophoretic Band Pattern of Isozymes in all Leaves of Pisifera Variety of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq). Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 7 (4) View
35 . |
KV Madhuri, KV Prabhakar , (2014). Microbial Exopolysaccharides: Biosynthesis and Potential Applications. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 30 (3), 1401-1410 View
36 . |
VP Kodali, AP Karlapudi, M Kotam, RK Kota, T Punati, RB Byri , (2013). Plant extracts as antibiofilm agents. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res 21 (1), 325-328. View
37 . |
KV Prabhakar, K Kinnera, KK Priya, KA Peele , (2013) Investigation of the repellence activity of Bio-out, A natural mosquito repellent. International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, and Pharma Research 2 . 2113-2116 View
38 . |
Sujana, K., Abraham, P.K., Indira, M., Vidya P. Kodali , (2013). Biochemical and molecular characterization of biofilm producing bacteria. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 4: 702 – 712. View
39 . |
VP Kodali, VK Lingala, AP Karlapudi, M Indira, TC Venkateswarulu, (2013). Biosynthesis and Potential Applications of Bacteriocins. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 7 (4),2933-45 View
40 . |
Karlapudi P. Abraham., Jagarlapudi Sreenivas., VP Kodali , (2012). Investigation of the potential antibiofilm activities of plant extracts. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (4), 282-285 View
41 . |
VP Kodali, RS Perali, R Sen , (2011). Purification and partial elucidation of the structure of an antioxidant carbohydrate biopolymer from the probiotic bacterium Bacillus coagulans RK-02. Journal of Natural Products 74 (8),1692-1697 View
42 . |
Chantret, VP Kodali, C Lahmouich, DJ Harvey, SEH Moore , (2011). Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) and free oligosaccharide generation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (48), 41786-41800. View
43 . |
R Sen, D Pal, VP Kodali, S Das, SK Ghosh , (2010). Molecular characterization and in vitro analyses of a sporogenous bacterium with potential probiotic properties. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 2 (3), 152-161 View
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VP Kodali, S Das, R Sen, (2009). An exopolysaccharide from a probiotic: Biosynthesis dynamics, composition and emulsifying activity. Food Research International 42 (5), 695-699 View
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VP Kodali, R Sen , (2008). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of an exopolysaccharide from a probiotic bacterium. Biotechnology Journal 3 (2), 245-251. View
National Journals |
International Conference |
National Conference |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Research Methodology, UGC HRDC Mizoram University, 07-07-2020 to 20-07-2020 |
2. |
Participated in a FDP on “Mathematics for Biological Sciences, UGC HRDC Pune University, 15-06-2020 to 20-06-2020 |
3. |
Participated in a FDP on Challenges in Discovery of Antiviral Agents and Vaccines, UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, 08-06-2020 to 13-06-2020 |
4. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Life Sciences, UGC HRDC Bangalore University, 07-03-2019 to 27-03-2019 |
5. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on UGC SPONSORED REFRESHER COURSE IN LIFE SCIENCES, UGC HRDC SVU Tirupati, 18-08-2016 to 07-09-2016 |
6. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on Orientation Course, UGC HRDC Maulana Azad University Hyderabad, 11-03-2015 to 07-04-2015 |
7. |
Participated in a Workshop on Eighth UGC-NRC-DBS Workshop in Biological Sciences, IISC Bangalore, 07-05-2012 to 06-06-2012 |
Honors & Professional Activities
CSIR-UGC-NET (JRF)-2004, UGC, 2004
Young Investigator Award, Italian Ministry of Science and Technology. ITALY, 2008
Post Doctoral Research Award, INSERM, FRANCE, 2009
Travel grant award, DBT, 2007
Out Standing Research award, VIFA, 2017
Early Career Research award, SERB, New Delhi, 2016
Young Scientist Award, SERB, New Delhi, 2013
Biodiveristy in 3 (2021) | Genetics in 2 (2021) | Genetics in 2 (2021) | molecular biology in 2 (2020) | Modern genetics in 1 (2020) | Environmental microbiology in 3 (2017) | Environmental Biotechnology in 2 (2017) | Environmental microbiology in 3 (2016) | Environmental Biotechnology in 2 (2015) | Molecular Genetics in 1 (2016) | Microbial Biotechnology in 3 (2015) | Enzyme technology in 2 (2015) | Bioprocess Engineering in 3 (2014) | Food Microbiology in 2 (2014) | Environmental microbiology in 3 (2014) | Environmental Biotechnology in 2 (2014) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Nodal Officer
, VIKRAMA SIMHAPURI UNIVERSITY, 10 Mar 2018 - 06 Oct 2021
2. Training and Placement co-ordinator, Research co-ordinator
, Vignan's Foundation for Science and technology
Project/Research Guidance
A. Ranganatha Reddy |
Screening, isolation,characterization and Production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by a Bacterium isolated from sewage waste. |
2019 |
M. Indira |
Isolation and Characterization of a bacteriocin produced by a bacterium isolated from dairy effluent |
2019 |
Abraham Karlapudi |
2017 |
2. T. C. Venkateswarulu |
2017 |